domenica 27 marzo 2011

being a wife,mommy, and everything in between

 Wow! There is so much to say, so I guess I will start with the basics. My name is Belinda, I am married to a soldier of the U.S. Army and we have 2 boys. They are aged 2 and 9 months. My oldest, Dawson, was 9 months when I got pregnant with Korbin and now, Korbin is 9 months old. It's so crazy how the time flies and before you know it they are experiencing their first birthday! We recently pcsed from Fort Campbell, Kentucky to Italy! We have been here about five months now and I have had so many experiences in such a short amount of time, but I will save those for another blog. Currently, I am a stay at home mom(sahm),but that doesn't mean I dont work.

 SAHM's may not bring in a check with their name on it, but it doesn't mean they don't do anything. I am not only a wife and mommy, but a maid/housekeeper, cook, mediator, zoo keeper, and circus trainer. It may sound a little cliche but it's the truth.My husband calls me super mom because I do it all and of course nobody does it like mommy.(:

  I do NOT have a nanny nor do I hire someone to come into my home and do my housework. I do it all with a little help from my husband when he's home and he is good about helping make dinner. Now, I will admit sometimes the laundry gets the best of me and somedays it looks like a tornado ran through my house. But hey, we are all human and if you are a mommy you know what it's like to pick up then 10 minutes later it's once again destroyed. Haha welcome to my world. (:

 Have you ever had two kids fighting over the same toy? If you have, then chances are you have had to tell them to share or that one can play with this toy while the other can play with another. If this is the case, then guess what, you are a mediator.(: This is an everyday occurance in my house. One of my kids will have something and it never fails, the other one will want that toy. Eventhough there are two huge toy boxes full of toys. Not to mention, all of the riding toys that my kids have and they feel the need to fight over one particular toy. Haha, I know that my kids love each other, but somedays they fight like cats and dogs. But, I have to admit sometimes it is pretty funny watching them fight over the littlest things. It all gets easier with time.(:

 If you have ever been to my house then you know what I mean when I say "I'm a zoo keeper and circus trainer." Kids will be kids. I like them to have fun, run around and play. Don't get me wrong, it's normal. However, my oldest can get a little rambuncious at times and you guessed it, when this happens, it gets my youngest all wired up too. They sound like a pack of wild animals sometimes running around and getting into anything and everything they can get their hands on. Not to mention the fact  that I have little monkeys on my hands. I'm sure you can only imagine that it is never a dull moment in my house.

 We are literally a three ring circus when it comes to leaving my house. Between trying to get myself and both kids ready and out the door without being late for an event is a circus in itself. Haha,my two year old thinks as soon as he has his clothes and shoes on it's time to go regardless if I am ready or not.Which becomes a little hard to explain to a two year old that he has to wait on mommy. So if at all possible I wait until I am almost ready to walk out the door before I get him and his brother ready.  I also try to have the diaper bag packed the night before but that doesn't always happen the way I want it. But when it does, it makes things run a little smoother.

 In conclusion, if you are new to being an Army wife and or mommy, it gets easier with time. I've done it by myself and with my husband here. I have been alone during pregnancies and I have had two c-sections. I won't say it's always easy because it isn't, but anything is possible if you keep looking forward.

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